Mental illnesses do not always begin with a diagnosis. It can begin with an accumulation of emotions from, disappointments, grief, heartbreak, pain, and sadness. Being mentally and physically bombarded with traumatic experiences can cause imbalances in your thinking. Everyone experiences some sort of mental health crisis in their lifetime. It is what you can do to survive those experiences that matter most. Embrace your healing, it is a choice. Choose You!

My journey began with first losing my mother to a terminal illness. Several years later I was injured on my job. While recovering my grandson was seriously injured. Two months later my father passed away from prostate cancer, and three months after he died my brother who had schizophrenia, and bipolar disease, also passed away. He had a massive heart attack due to his inability to accept the needed medical care for his illnesses. These life experiences that happened within nine months of one another caused my depressive state.

The information on this website continues to support my healing and I hope it can be that for you as well. In addition to everything I’ve experienced during my healing, two very wise, professional, and loving women were very instrumental during my healing journey. My therapist. who helped me understand my diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder and how to manage it, and my Reiki Master and teacher, who taught me how Reiki (energy healing) helps relieve stress and anxiety.

Peace and Love Always!

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed Medical Doctor or Mental Health Professional, however, I have worked in the medical Industry for more than 40 years in both the clinical, medical, and mental health areas. I am a Reiki practitioner.

I do not own the rights to this video